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Dr. Christian Wewetzer




In 2005 I received a German Diploma degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Braunschweig. My major fields were distributed systems, databases and chip design.

After one year of work on model-based testing of automotive systems for dSPACE GmbH, I joined the industrial PhD programme of Volkswagen Group in June 2006. Since then, I am conducting research in the field of Car-to-X Communication in the Driver Information Systems Research department.

In May 2009, I received my Ph.D. degree from the University of Düsseldorf for my thesis "Content Location in Sparse Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks - Feasibility, Implementation, Optimization on the Case of a City Scenario".


    Personal publications page.


I am/have been a reviewer for


The areas of research I am currently interested in are (in no particular order):

  • Inter Vehicle Communication
  • Wireless and Ad-Hoc Networks
  • Delay-tolerant Networks
  • Distributed Databases
  • Large-scale Simulation of Wireless Applications in Vehicular Traffic



As part of my work, I am chair of the Working Group "Roadmap" and member of the Working Group "Applications" within the Car-to-Car Communication Consortium. Furthermore, I am participating in SIM-TD and in the COMeSafety project. I was also partly involved in the Network-on-Wheels project.