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The EXC project provides a toolset for supporting the real-world evaluation of wireless multihop networks. The central component is EXC , the 'wireless multihop network EXperiment Control'. This is a lighweight control software that allows to steer and supervize experiments with wireless multi-hop networks such as MANETs, VANETs or mesh networks. A detailed description can be found in the paper The EXC Toolkit for Real-World Experiments with Wireless Multihop Networks.


Currently, the evaluation of wireless multihop networks (WMNs) is mainly based on simulation. It has been shown that present simulators sometimes exhibit behaviour different from real networks. Therefore it is necessary to conduct real experiments. These experiments take place in a challenging environment and not many experiments with WMNs have been performed up to now. Furthermore, there are only few tools available to support these experiments. The creation of supporting tools and the development of an accompanying methodology is the primary goal of the EXC project.
EXC is currently under active development, a first version has been demonstrated at MobiSys'07 and a corresponding paper has been presented at EXPONWIRELESS'08. It is in active use in several projects of our research group and has been tested in experiments with up to ten static and five mobile, wireless nodes. It runs under Linux, both on notebooks as well as on ARM based Zaurus SL-6000 PDAs.
The tool has been used to examine the topological repeatability of experiments with wireless multihop networks (presented at MSWiM'08). The most recent experiments with EXC have been performed in the context of vehicular ad-hoc networking (VANETs), a paper thereon has been presented at VANET'09. For further information, refer to Wolfgang Kiess.



Wolfgang Kiess
Markus Kerper
Stephan Zalewski (alumni)
Andreas Tarp (alumni)
Thomas Ogilvie (alumni)
Holger Trompeter (alumni)




Wolfgang KiessBjörn ScheuermannTill ElsnerMartin MauveMethod for sharing wireless access points to a communications networkWO 2010 127806PCT EP2010 0026342010November 11

Markus Kerper, Wolfgang Kiess, Martin Mauve.
Coordinated VANET Experiments - a Methodology and First Results. VANET 2009: Proceedings of the Sixth ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Inter-Networking, pp. 109--116, Beijing, China, September 2009.

Wolfgang Kiess, Andreas Tarp, Martin Mauve.
On the Topological Repeatability of Experiments with Wireless Multihop Networks. MSWiM 2008: Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Vancouver, Canada, October 2008.

Wolfgang Kiess, Thomas Ogilvie, Martin Mauve.
The EXC Toolkit for Real-World Experiments with Wireless Multihop Networks. EXPONWIRELESS 2008: Proceeding of the 3rd Workshop on Advanced Experimental Activities on Wireless Networks and Systems, Newport Beach, California, USA, June 2008.

Wolfgang Kiess.
On Real-World Experiments with Wireless Multihop Networks - Design, Realization, and Analysis. PhD thesis, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 2008.

Daniel Marks, Wolfgang Kiess, Björn Scheuermann, Magnus Roos, Martin Mauve, Florian Jarre.
Offline Time Synchronization for libpcap Logs. WMAN-FG 2008: 1. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch WMAN (Wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks), pp. 9-10, Ulm, Germany, April 2008.

Björn Scheuermann, Wolfgang Kiess, Magnus Roos, Florian Jarre, Martin Mauve.
Error Bounds and Consistency of Maximum Likelihood Time Synchronization. Technical Report TR-2008-001, Computer Science Department, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany, February 2008.

Wolfgang Kiess, Thomas Ogilvie, Andreas Tarp, Martin Mauve.
The EXC toolkit: conducting realistic experiments with wireless multi-hop networks. MobiSys 2007: The 5th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services -- Demo Session, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 2007.

Wolfgang Kiess, Stephan Zalewski, Martin Mauve.
Improving System Clock Precision With NTP Offline Skew Correction. MedHocNet 2007: Proceedings of the The Sixth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop, pp. 159--164, Corfu, Greece, June 2007.

Wolfgang Kiess, Martin Mauve.
A Survey on Real-World Implementations of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. Elsevier's Ad Hoc Networks 5 (3), pp. 324-339, April 2007.

Wolfgang Kiess, Martin Mauve.
Real-World Evaluation of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. In Marco Conti, Jon Crowcroft, Andrea Passarella (eds.): Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks from Theory to Reality, Nova Science Publisher, , 2007.

Wolfgang Kiess, Andreas Tarp, Martin Mauve.
Real-World Evaluation of Ring Flooding. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R) 10 (4), pp. 11--12, October 2006.

Wolfgang Kiess, Andreas Tarp, Martin Mauve.
Real-World Evaluation of Ring Flooding. MobiCom 2005: The 11th Annual ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking -- Poster Session, Cologne, Germany, September 2005.

Wolfgang Kiess, Stephan Zalewski, Andreas Tarp, Martin Mauve.
Thoughts on Mobile Ad-hoc Network Testbeds. Realman 2005: Proceedings of IEEE ICPS Workshop on Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks: from theory to reality, pp. 93-100, Santorini, Greece, July 2005.